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Draft: disable python hash seeding

Walter Lampl requested to merge wlampl/athena:setPYTHONHASHSEED0 into master

Dear CoreSW experts, (@ssnyder, @akraszna, @fwinkl),

while diff'ing the configuration of athena jobs, I was really puzzled that some vector-like properties changed their order, most notably properties related to LAr DataQuality. I found that these properties where constructed from intermediate python sets. In python3, the iteration order over dict and set is indeed randomized, see

This MR sets the environment variable PYTHONHASHSEED to 0 before executing the python configuration in order to disable the salting of the hash.

Note 1: This does not address any kind of bug, it's just an inconvenience Note 2: Python does not make any promise about the iteration order of sets and dicts

Merge request reports