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MuonTesterTree - Add common Tree mechanism & store sample meta data

Johannes Junggeburth requested to merge jojungge/athena:AddFriendTree into 23.0

Following changes are introduced

  • Move all MuonTesterTree classes to MuonVal namespace
  • EventInfoBranch: Toggle whether pile-up information, lhe information, prw information or trigger information is dumped into the TTree in the constructor.
  • MuonTPMetaAlg: This algorithm keeps track of the lumi blocks seen by the job and the number of processed events.
  • MuEntryVariables: Move the module to a PRDTesterModule
  • MuonTesterTree: Add the possibility to link multiple Trees against each other.

Tagging: @goblirsc, @pscholer, @mvozak, @sangelid

Edited by Johannes Junggeburth

Merge request reports
