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Cleanup of muon trigger decoding configuration

Savanna Shaw requested to merge sshaw/athena:atr26937 into 23.0

As pointed out in ATR-26937, we were doing some not very nice modifications to already configured componenet in the muon trigger menu code for the decoding algorithms to set some properties. Cleaning this up to:

  • Pass the seeded decoding and RoIs as options to both the RAW data decoding adn the RDOtoPRD decoding, and remove the hardcoded values for both from the decoding config (both these properties depend on the step/chain we're running, so should always be set from the trigger menu side)
  • Remove the region selector setup from the trigger menu side and keep it only in the decoding configuration, since it is static across all different types of chains, and added the region selector tools to the configuration for the RDO to PRD decoding for the sTGCs/MMs.

Merge request reports
