JO functions to add more HI analyses specific content to the output
This adds a file with 3 CA functions that can be used to add MBTS and SP info to the output. A function to add details on top clusters is also there but I am not sure if it works. (the content is there w/o this function as well).
For reference tested like this: --CA \
--athenaopts="--threads=8" \
--inputBSFile=${IN} \
--maxEvents=10 \
--outputAODFile=${OUT} \
--steering='doRAWtoALL' \
--conditionsTag 'all:CONDBR2-BLKPA-RUN2-06' \
--preExec 'r2a:ConfigFlags.Beam.BunchSpacing=100;ConfigFlags.Reco.EnableMet=False;ConfigFlags.Reco.EnableHI=True;' \
--postExec 'r2a:from IOVDbSvc.IOVDbSvcConfig import addOverride; cfg.merge(addOverride(flags, "/LAR/BadChannelsOfl/BadChannels", "LARBadChannelsOflBadChannels-RUN2-UPCRepro-02"));' \
--postInclude "all:HIGlobal.RecordExtraInfoConfig.addSpacePoints,HIGlobal.RecordExtraInfoConfig.addMBTS,HIGlobal.RecordExtraInfoConfig.addDetailedCaloClusterInfo" \
--autoConfiguration 'everything'
on a file from: data15_hi.00287321.physics_UPC.daq.RAW