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[ATEAM-908] Fall back on trigger xAOD::ConfigService in AthAnalysis in SUSYTools

Tim Martin requested to merge tamartin/athena:trigConfSvcForAthAnalysis_23 into 23.0

When running in AthAnalysis, the xAOD::ConfigTool doesn't get new-file incidents, which prevents more than one file from being processed.

But we do have the xAOD::ConfigService, and this can be used in AthAnalysis just like it can be used in Athena. This is currently the preferred interface to use if available.

By setting the "ConfigTool" property of the TrigDecisionTool to an empty string in AthAnalysis (or Athena), it will fall-back on the service.

The AnalysisBase behaviour should be unchanged.

Merge request reports
