TrigCost: Fix Walltime histogram
- Fix the Walltime histogram to collect more than 1000 lumiblocks - the maximum value is set to 4500 now, that was a maximum during the longest run last year. It was tested with a 2023 recent run and an entry at lumiblock 1234 is present as well as denominator in the post processing: --skipEvents=45000 --maxEvents=1 Input.Files='["/eos/atlas/atlastier0/rucio/data23_13p6TeV/calibration_CostMonitoring/00454322/data23_13p6TeV.00454322.calibration_CostMonitoring.daq.RAW/"]'> CostAnalysis.log 2>&1
- The deadtime item is chosen based on the run number - for runs after the change of physics deadtime item ,
will be used - Append maximum pileup instead of mean to the cost details
Tagging @tamartin
Edited by Aleksandra Poreba