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First steps to use ITk geometry in GPU accelerated FTF

  • Parse volume and layer disk id to ITk geometry
  • Pass ITk global layer ID to SILICON_LAYER.m_subdet
  • Update the sizes of GPU accelerated track setting EDM:
MAX_NUMBER_PIX_MODULES 2100 -> 6300 (3 times more)
MAX_NUMBER_SCT_MODULES 8200 -> 24600 (3 times more)
MAX_NUMBER_SPACEPOINTS 100000 -> 300000 (3 times more)
  • The new geometry can be toggled by setting the property TrigInDetAccelerationSvc.useITkGeometry

Next steps: evaluate the current performance, remove dependency in Strips readout

Tested with:  --maxEvents=100 --CA --inputRDOFile /afs/ --outputAODFile AOD.root --steering doRAWtoALL --preInclude InDetConfig.ConfigurationHelpers.OnlyTrackingPreInclude --preExec "flags.Tracking.useITkFTF=True "  2>&1 | tee reco.log --filesInput AOD.root --doTightPrimary --doExpertPlots --truthMinPt 1000 --outputFile IDPVM.root > output_runIDPVM.log 2>&1

Related to EFTRACK-76

Tagging @demelian @bwynne @mark

Edited by Aleksandra Poreba

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