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Adding 422 clusters for GEP emulation

Dylan Sheldon Rankin requested to merge drankin/athena:422clusters_gep into master

This MR creates a config in the TrigGepPerf package to add 422 clusters. It can be used as a postInclude with

Tested with an RDO from mc21: --CA 'all:True' --autoConfiguration 'everything' --conditionsTag 'all:OFLCOND-MC15c-SDR-14-05' --geometryVersion 'all:ATLAS-P2-RUN4-03-00-00' --multithreaded 'True' --preInclude 'all:Campaigns.PhaseIINoPileUp' --steering 'doRAWtoALL' --inputRDOFile ../../../../mc21_14TeV.601229.PhPy8EG_A14_ttbar_hdamp258p75_SingleLep.recon.RDO.e8481_s4149_r14697/RDO.33629009._000002.pool.root.1 --outputAODFile aod.root --postInclude 'all:PyJobTransforms.UseFrontier' 'TrigGepPerf.Add422Config.Add422Cfg'

@htorre @tstreble @mswiatlo

Previous discussion in ATLSWUPGR-194

Edited by Dylan Sheldon Rankin

Merge request reports
