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Acts Space points use a vector of elementlink to clusters

Carlo Varni requested to merge cvarni/athena:SpacePointsWithELs into main

Replace std::vector<std::size_t> (i.e. a vector containing the indexes of elements in the cluster containers) with a vector of ElementLink<xAOD::UncalibratedMeasurementContainer>

We do have xAOD::PixelCluster and xAOD::StripCluster in our EDM. They both inherit from xAOD::UncalibratedMeasurement. With this MR we are adding element link to the cluster's base class in the space point EDM. The cluster have a virtual method that allows users to understand what type they are.

This MR requires the changes in !64435 (merged)

/cc @adye cc

Edited by Carlo Varni

Merge request reports