Allow input to FPGATrackSim to be from SG not only from Wrapper files
This changes allow FPGATrackSim to be scheduled in a regular reconstruction jobs running ACTS reco on ITk (test command below). Ultimately the idea is that when this functions we should be able to try the ACTS ITk Reco chain in which part is the HT. E.g. replacing seeding.
All that was achieved by making many ingredients of the FPGATrackSim system optional. At the moment the data flows to algorithm bu SelectionSvc discards it (an issue with to few events to small region). Tagging @jahreda @fpastore @piazza
rdo_23p0=/cvmfs/ --CA \
--steering doRAWtoALL \
--preExec "flags.Trigger.FPGATrackSim.wrapperFileName=None" \
--preInclude "InDetConfig.ConfigurationHelpers.OnlyTrackingPreInclude,ActsConfig.ActsCIFlags.actsValidateTracksFlags" \
--postInclude "FPGATrackSimConfTools.FPGATrackSimAnalysisConfig.FPGATrackSimLogicalHistProcessAlgCfg" \
--inputRDOFile ${rdo_23p0} \
--outputAODFile AOD.root \
--maxEvents 10