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Make FrozenShowers compatible with HepMC3

Aliaksei Hrynevich requested to merge ahrynevi/athena:frozen-showers into main

This affects library production. The FrozenShowers workflow is not affected. Tested in Athena,24.0.9.

  1. Adding missing destructor (relevant also for HepMC2). A FastSimModel was initialised in FastSimulationBase.cxx but was never deleted. As a result, a HepMC file created by a fast simulation model in LArFastShower.cxx closed improperly. A destructor is created in FastSimulationBase instead of the default one to fix the issue.

  2. Actual HepMC3 compatibility. Make FrozenShowers compatible both with HepMC2 and HepMC3. Change units stored in HepMC file to GeV (HepMC default). Also, adding --runNumber option in FrozenShower library production jobOptions to avoid detector mis-alignment.

Merge request reports
