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Flag to run precision tracking in jet super-ROI

Marin Mlinarevic requested to merge mmlinare/athena:jetSuper-PT into 23.0

Added a flag to run precision tracking after the fast tracking in the jetSuper configuration. It can be enabled by setting flags.Trigger.Jet.doJetSuperPrecisionTracking=True; in --preExec options. To add the precision tracks to the RDO_TRIG, the option

--preExec  "all:from TrigEDMConfig.TriggerEDMRun3 import InViews;ConfigFlags.Trigger.AODEDMSet='AODFULL'; ConfigFlags.Trigger.ExtraEDMList=[('xAOD::TrackParticleContainer#HLT_IDTrack_JetSuper_IDTrig', 'BS ESD AODFULL', 'Jet', [InViews('JetSuperRoIViews')]), ('xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer#HLT_IDTrack_JetSuper_IDTrigAux.', 'BS ESD AODFULL', 'Jet')];"

can be used, and to propagate them to the AOD,

--postExec "RAWtoALL:from OutputStreamAthenaPool.OutputStreamConfig import addToAOD; extraContent=['xAOD::TrackParticleContainer#HLT_IDTrack_JetSuper_IDTrig','xAOD::TrackParticleAuxContainer#HLT_IDTrack_JetSuper_IDTrigAux.']; cfg.merge(addToAOD(flags, extraContent));"

It is off by default; the purpose is to use it to generate a sample for training a GNN tagger on the precision tracks and see if it does better than on the FTF tracks.

A bug fix for a crash during menu generation when using in_view=False option in trigInDetPrecisionTrackingCfg is also included.

Edited by Marin Mlinarevic

Merge request reports