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gitlab_merge: add commit history to merge script

Frank Winklmeier requested to merge fwinkl/athena:gitlab_merge into main

This script is used in our GAUDI and ACTS nightlies to merge additional MRs on top of the current branch. Add a printout of the commit history to make the builds more easily reproducible.

Example printout:> Merging atlas/athena!63853 with label matching nightly:ACTS
 * [new ref]                 refs/merge-requests/63853/head -> mr-upstream-63853
Merge made by the 'ort' strategy.
Deleted branch mr-upstream-63853 (was 78528ac979e).> Commit history of this build:
2a9578dceef (HEAD) Merge branch 'mr-upstream-63853' into HEAD
78528ac979e Merge branch 'fixes' into 'canary'
f86622837d2 Neutral removed
e006c2459f4 Fix for
e03c83faf18 (upstream/main) Merge branch 'adye-ckf23' into 'main'

Relates to ATLINFR-4967.

cc @goetz @pagessin

Merge request reports