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TriggerEDM: add support for allowed/severe EDM truncation

Frank Winklmeier requested to merge fwinkl/athena:severe_truncation into main

Another MR to implement the trigger EDM priority list (ATR-27986):

  • Extend TriggerEDMSerialiserTool.CollectionsToSerialize property with an allowTruncation attribute to mark those collections that can be truncated without sending the event to the debug stream.
  • Add separate set of histograms for allowed truncation.
  • Add allowTruncation attribute to TrigEDMConfig (not used yet).
  • Add boolean to HLTResultMT to indicate allowed/severe result truncation.
  • Use the severe truncation flag in HltEventLoopMgr to decide if the event should go to the debug stream.

Until we actually mark some EDM collections with allowTruncation none of the above changes should have any impact on the HLT.

cc @okuprash @wiedenma @tamartin @tbold

Merge request reports
