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ZdcLEDAnalysisTool - do not default to an unsupported config

It should fix problems observed in the CI of 23.0 namely

INFO     RAWtoALL validation test step ERRORS
INFO       ZdcRecRun3.ZdcAnalysisToolppPbPb2023                         0   ERROR Unknown configuration: ppPbPb2023
INFO       ZdcRecRun3.ZdcAnalysisToolppPbPb2023                         0   ERROR AthenaBaseComps/AthenaBaseComps/AthCommonDataStore.icc:43 (StatusCode AthCommonDataStore<PBASE>::sysInitialize() [with PBASE = AthCommonMsg<AlgTool>]): code FAILURE: PBASE::sysInitialize()
INFO       ToolSvc                                                      0   ERROR Error initializing tool 'ZdcRecRun3.ZdcAnalysisToolppPbPb2023'
INFO       ZdcRecRun3                                                   0   ERROR ZdcRec/src/ZdcRecRun3.cxx:48 (StatusCode ZdcRecRun3::initialize()): code FAILURE: m_zdcTools.retrieve()

seen in !65346 (merged) for instance. The configuration and the c++ value default to something which is unsupported by the tool. You may want to check where the default configuration is invoked - @steinber please cc relevant experts cheers


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