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HI : Disable by default egamma Forward. As is now it does not work for subtracted clusters input

Christos Anastopoulos requested to merge ATLAS-EGamma/athena:NoFwd_for_HI into 23.0

In the process of migrating some HI tests in CA I noticed this is disabled in them.

The issue is that actually as is now (release 23.0) the egamma Forward algorithm picks the "wrong clusters" not "subtracted CaloCal " but the std CaloCal.

Actually we see quite a few warnings in the SPOT tests which do not disable this.

Since is not clear is needed for now and, since main might be able to handle this better (or differently at least already)

I suggest to set if to false. If needed in 23.0 we will need to modify a few bits for it to run nicely (which prb should not migrate to main).

ping @stapiaar

PS UPC and HIP are unaffected as anyhow do not need to use "subtracted" cells/ cluster

Edited by Christos Anastopoulos

Merge request reports