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Tuning Heavy-Ion reconstruction and AOD output

Sebastian Tapia Araya requested to merge stapiaar/athena:HIconf_clean into 23.0

Tuning HI reconstruction and cleaning the AOD output:

  • --> Now reads the right cell container either AllCalo or SubtractedCells
  • --> removing redundant flag of UPCmode and adding new flag to NOT save Fwd cluster in HImode
  • --> Only R=0.4 and 0.2 jets are built and stored in AOD, other jet collections can be built later in DAOD or specify in preExec
  • and CaloCalFwdTopoTowers are not needed/used in HIMode, here we add a flag in the Calo domain that allows you to decide if save or not. The flag is True by default so doesn't make any change in pp reconstruction. This flag is set to False in the HIMode case.

tagging HI conveners @angerami @mrybar @qhu HI Jet conveners @dhangal @rlongo

Edited by Sebastian Tapia Araya

Merge request reports
