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Trigger Jet: Add HI UPC pflow calibration configs (ATR-22067)

Claire Antel requested to merge cantel/athena:23.0_add_TrigHIUPC_calib into 23.0


Adding new calibration configuration for HI UPC pflow jet triggers:

  • Adding new pflowcontext, "TrigHIUPC": Points to LowMu config file, configures "GSCDepth" to "EM3".
  • Setting Trigger.Jet.pflowCalibKey to "TrigHIUPC" automatically for HI menu.
  • Updating pflow jet chains to specify jescalibration (by convention, "gsc" is dropped if GSC is calo-GSC only).
  • Modified JetCalibToolsConfig with hack for context TrigHIUPC settings (provide non-empty primary vertices key), to run PFlow calibration with GSCDepth EM3.

Configuration output for JetCalibTool:

   CalibArea = 00-04-82
   CalibSequence = EtaJES_GSC
   ConfigFile = JES_MC16Recommendation_LowMu1718_MCJES_GSC_PFlow_Sep2023_Rel21.config
   DetStore = StoreGateSvc/DetectorStore
   EventInfoKey = StoreGateSvc+EventInfo
   EvtStore = StoreGateSvc
   ExtraInputs = []
   ExtraOutputs = []
   GSCDepth = EM3
   IsData = False
   JetCollection = AntiKt4EMPFlow
   PrimaryVerticesContainerName = HLT_IDVertex_FS
   RhoKey = auto
   actualInteractionsPerCrossing = StoreGateSvc+EventInfo.actualInteractionsPerCrossing
   averageInteractionsPerCrossingKey = StoreGateSvc+EventInfo.averageInteractionsPerCrossing


  • HI trigger counts because of changes to HI dev menu (UPC jet chains, HLT_jX_pf_ftf -> HLT_jX_pf_jes_ftf).
Edited by Claire Antel

Merge request reports
