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Acts Space Point Formation : Solved bug in cartesian to polar coordinate conversion

Carlo Varni requested to merge cvarni/athena:PerfectAgreementSps into main

It turns out there was a bug in the conversion of the strip coordinates from cartesian to polar. As a result Acts was not able to reconstruct some strip space point in the layer disks 0 and 1 of the strip endcaps. This was affecting only the strip space point collection, not the overlap strip space points.

It turns out the conversion of coordinates was bugged. This MR should fix it and produce perfect matching in strip space point formation between Athena and Acts. On 500 events of tt-bar PU 200:

INFO Pixel Space Points
INFO    Number of InDet Pixel Space Points: 120433045
INFO    Number of xAOD Pixel Space Points : 120433045
INFO Strip Space Points
INFO    Number of InDet Strip Space Points: 34656773
INFO    Number of xAOD Strip Space Points : 34656773
INFO Overlap Space Points
INFO    Number of InDet Overlap Space Points: 10319723
INFO    Number of xAOD Overlap Space Points : 10319723
INFO Mismatches
INFO Pixel Space Points
INFO    InDet Space Points not in xAOD: 0
INFO    xAOD Space Points not in InDet: 0
INFO Strip Space Points
INFO    InDet Space Points not in xAOD: 0
INFO    xAOD Space Points not in InDet: 0
INFO Overlap Space Points
INFO    InDet Space Points not in xAOD: 0
INFO    xAOD Space Points not in InDet: 0

Pinging @ncalace to check if these changes make sense

Merge request reports
