MuonG4R4 - Add muon sim hit sorting algorithm
Hi everybody,
this MR adds a small helper package to resort the xAOD::MuonSimHitContainer such that hits from the same chamber are close together in memory. The algorithm can either create a deep copy or a VIEW_ELEMENTS one which might not be super optimal in memory access patterns later. Anyway, if this should happen in the simulation job, the G4AtlasAlg needs to declare its dependencies. Introducing WriteHandleKeys to the senstive detectors is impossible as the master tool is held by service and by the G4AtlasAlg. Instead, the dependencies can be declared via the ExtraOutput
property. I took the checkxAOD from a recent run 3 file to setup the containers for the other detectors as well. In case, of the Inner detector, I'm not really ceratin to what BCMHits
& BLMHits
belongs to
# checking [HITS/group.det-muon.33831012.EXT0._000060.HITS.pool.root]...
Py:AthFile INFO loading cache from [athfile-cache.ascii.gz]...
Py:AthFile INFO loading cache from [athfile-cache.ascii.gz]... [done]
Py:AthFile INFO opening [HITS/group.det-muon.33831012.EXT0._000060.HITS.pool.root]...
Container type | StoreGate keys
SiHitCollection | BCMHits, BLMHits, PixelHits, SCT_Hits
TileHitVector | MBTSHits, TileHitVec
TRTUncompressedHitCollection | TRTUncompressedHits
TGCSimHitCollection | TGC_Hits
RPCSimHitCollection | RPC_Hits
LArHitContainer | LArHitEMB, LArHitEMEC, LArHitFCAL, LArHitHEC
xAOD::EventAuxInfo | EventInfoAux.
MMSimHitCollection | MM_Hits
xAOD::EventInfo | EventInfo
MDTSimHitCollection | MDT_Hits
DataHeader | StreamHITS
TrackRecordCollection | CaloEntryLayer, MuonEntryLayer, MuonExitLayer
sTGCSimHitCollection | sTGC_Hits
McEventCollection | TruthEvent
## Bye.
Tagging @jchapman, @tadej, @sroe as I'm curious to hear about their opinion