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fix misleading warning about CaloClusterContainer/CombinedTower

Walter Lampl requested to merge wlampl/athena:FixTowerWarning into 23.0

In a recent Tier0 log, I found the warning

SGInputLoader                                         88     1 WARNING unable to find proxy for  ( 'xAOD::CaloClusterContainer' , 'StoreGateSvc+CombinedTower' ) 

Re-running with AvalancheSchedulerSvc.ShowDataDependencies=True, I learned that the HIEventShapeMaker algorithm fails to retrieve this container, which I found rather worrisome. Looking at the code, it turns out that the HIEventShapeMaker actually retrieves the correct CombinedTowerContainer via it's base-class INavigable4MomentumCollection. It can work also with a xAOD::CaloClusterContainer as input but in the current configuration it uses a CombinedTowerContainer (though the INavigable4MomentumCollection interface). The warning is rather the symptom of a mis-configuration that is fixed with this MR.

In the absence of a CI for HI, I manually validated this change on 100 events of data23_hi.00462205.express_express.merge.RAW._lb1242._SFO-ALL._0001.1

cc @stapiaar

Merge request reports
