Draft: DerivationFramework: add trackParticleLinks to JetTriggerContentRun3 for use in JETMX derivations
Adding trackParticleLinks
to JetTriggerContentRun3.py
in DerivationFrameworkCore
to ensure that retrieving nTrackParticles()
for vertices in HLT_IDVertex_FS
retrieves the correct number of track particles assigned to the vertex (otherwise this is zero). This is required to calculate the number of primary vertices reconstructed in the HLT which is needed to re-calibrate HLT jets in data and MC JETM1 derivations both to study calibration performance and perform analysis tasks (trigger efficiency studies, derivation of Insitu calibration steps) in ongoing Trigger Level Analysis searches.
Modifications prepared in release 24.0.12 targeting main branch and R24 for future DAOD productions.
output for modified JETM1 available here. Addition of HLT_IDVertex_FS
leads to JETM1 event size of 47.929 kb and a HLT_IDVertex_FSAuxDyn.trackParticleLinks
size per event of 0.263 kb (2216.576 kb total from 8428 events in the test DAOD). "Out of the box" JETM1 event size from test is 47.642 kb. Corresponding checkFile.py
output is available here.
The complete output of the tests is available at in this directory for the modified JETM1 derivation including trackParticleLinks for HLT vertices and in this directory for the existing JETM1 test.
All tests have been run on the following dataset:
From JetEtMiss @cdelitzs @camacho @mleblanc @fballi
From the Run 3 TLA team @mmontell @tofitsch @doglioni @boveia