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add DiTauRecTools in AnalysisBase and AthAnalysis

Antonio De Maria requested to merge ademaria/athena:add_packagge into main

Following up from: !65789 (merged)

The TauCP would like to request to add the "DiTauRecTools" package in AnalysisBase and AthAnalysis. The package contains at the moment to two tools to:

  • calculate auxiliary variables used by the BDT for the DiTau identification
  • calculate the BDT score for the DiTau identification

The "DiTauJets" objects containers are already part of DAOD PHYS, so to let these objects being useful for analyses and further developments we need to add the identification information given by these tools.

Tagging @sineadf and @martindl for TauCP

Tagging @gwatts and @ekourlit for AMG

Edited by Antonio De Maria

Merge request reports
