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Switch ACTS tracking to Athena backends

Tomasz Bold requested to merge tbold/athena:switch-reco-to-mtj into main

With this MR the ACTS reco starts to use Athena version of EDM backends.

Tagging the team: @ncalace @cvarni @wolter @pagessin @toyamaza @adye

There is a number of shortcuts made, e.g. not every data item is in a form that can be persistified yet. Also the code contains debugging aid INSPECTCALL that is by default compiled out. In the future it will be actually removed. Number of functions still need to be inlined but the implementation as is now is easier to work wiht in debugger.

In terms of performance here is the comparison (test job on single leptons): left is what we use now, right the new backend, it is slightly slower.

PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO =======================================================================================       PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO =======================================================================================
PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO                                 Event Level Monitoring                                        PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO                                 Event Level Monitoring
PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO         (Only the first 10 and the last measurements are explicitly printed)                  PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO         (Only the first 10 and the last measurements are explicitly printed)
PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO =======================================================================================       PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO =======================================================================================
PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO Event           CPU [s]     Wall [s]    Vmem [kB]   Rss [kB]    Pss [kB]    Swap [kB]         PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO Event           CPU [s]     Wall [s]    Vmem [kB]   Rss [kB]    Pss [kB]    Swap [kB]
PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO 1               17.79       28.80       2676920     2316792     2315274     0              |  PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO 1               17.79       30.41       2680432     2320996     2319470     0
PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO 4               44.97       59.90       3897208     3543444     3541926     0              |  PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO 4               45.80       62.51       3899696     3547672     3546146     0
PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO =======================================================================================       PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO =======================================================================================
PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO                                 Snapshots Summary                                             PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO                                 Snapshots Summary
PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO =======================================================================================       PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO =======================================================================================
PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO Step         dCPU [s]    dWall [s]   <CPU>  dVmem [kB] dRss [kB]  dPss [kB]  dSwap [kB]       PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO Step         dCPU [s]    dWall [s]   <CPU>  dVmem [kB] dRss [kB]  dPss [kB]  dSwap [kB]
PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------       PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO Configure    9.93668     15.114      0.66   1698160    1506964    1505446    0             |  PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO Configure    10.0106     15.653      0.64   1701588    1510824    1509298    0
PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO Initialize   7.75919     13.582      0.57   908116     805268     805268     0             |  PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO Initialize   7.68436     14.655      0.52   908200     805660     805660     0
PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO FirstEvent   9.0204      12.974      0.70   1169100    1049476    1049476    0             |  PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO FirstEvent   9.26852     13.415      0.69   1168076    1048444    1048444    0
PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO Execute      35.8488     35.784      1.00   150736     218848     218848     0             |  PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO Execute      36.9758     36.87       1.00   150736     219136     219136     0
PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO Finalize     0.116559    0.116       1.00   0          152        152        0             |  PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO Finalize     0.11501     0.115       1.00   0          180        180        0
PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO ***************************************************************************************       PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO ***************************************************************************************
PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO Number of events processed:        5                                                          PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO Number of events processed:        5
PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO CPU usage per event [ms]:          8974                                                    |  PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO CPU usage per event [ms]:          9249
PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO Events per second:                 0.103                                                   |  PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO Events per second:                 0.099
PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO CPU utilization efficiency [%]:    80                                                      |  PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO CPU utilization efficiency [%]:    79
PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO ***************************************************************************************       PerfMonMTSvc                                         INFO ***************************************************************************************

This is side by side diff of tracking stats. Counts seems all the same (to my surprise actually):

|----------------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|                                                     |----------------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|
| Kind of seed         |     PPP      |     PPS      |     PSS      |     SSS      |     ALL      |                                                     | Kind of seed         |     PPP      |     PPS      |     PSS      |     SSS      |     ALL      |
|----------------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|                                                     |----------------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|
| Input  seeds         |       123918 |            0 |            0 |        24383 |       148301 |                                                     | Input  seeds         |       123918 |            0 |            0 |        24383 |       148301 |
| No track parameters  |          991 |            0 |            0 |         5346 |         6337 |                                                     | No track parameters  |          991 |            0 |            0 |         5346 |         6337 |
| Used   seeds         |        69893 |            0 |            0 |         9984 |        79877 |                                                     | Used   seeds         |        69893 |            0 |            0 |         9984 |        79877 |
| Used   seeds  brem   |            0 |            0 |            0 |            0 |            0 |                                                     | Used   seeds  brem   |            0 |            0 |            0 |            0 |            0 |
| Det elements in road |        74.58 |            0 |            0 |        71.27 |       74.166 |                                                     | Det elements in road |        74.58 |            0 |            0 |        71.27 |       74.166 |
| Two clusters on DE   |            0 |            0 |            0 |            0 |            0 |                                                     | Two clusters on DE   |            0 |            0 |            0 |            0 |            0 |
| Wrong DE road        |            0 |            0 |            0 |           17 |           17 |                                                     | Wrong DE road        |            0 |            0 |            0 |           17 |           17 |
| Wrong initialization |            0 |            0 |            0 |            0 |            0 |                                                     | Wrong initialization |            0 |            0 |            0 |            0 |            0 |
| Can not find track   |        55214 |            0 |            0 |         3934 |        59148 |                                                     | Can not find track   |        55214 |            0 |            0 |         3934 |        59148 |
| It is not new track  |         3679 |            0 |            0 |          570 |         4249 |                                                     | It is not new track  |         3679 |            0 |            0 |          570 |         4249 |
| Attempts brem model  |            0 |            0 |            0 |            0 |            0 |                                                     | Attempts brem model  |            0 |            0 |            0 |            0 |            0 |
| Output tracks        |        11736 |            0 |            0 |         5685 |        17421 |                                                     | Output tracks        |        11736 |            0 |            0 |         5685 |        17421 |
| Output extra tracks  |         1113 |            0 |            0 |          389 |         1502 |                                                     | Output extra tracks  |         1113 |            0 |            0 |          389 |         1502 |
| Output tracks brem   |            0 |            0 |            0 |            0 |            0 |                                                     | Output tracks brem   |            0 |            0 |            0 |            0 |            0 |
|----------------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|                                      |----------------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|
| Seeds  with  track   |        10623 |            0 |            0 |         5296 |        15919 | Number seeds |                                      | Seeds  with  track   |        10623 |            0 |            0 |         5296 |        15919 | Number seeds |
|----------------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|                                      |----------------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|
| Track/Used   0.0-0.5 |      0.09587 |            0 |            0 |       0.6944 |        0.264 |         1421 |                                      | Track/Used   0.0-0.5 |      0.09587 |            0 |            0 |       0.6944 |        0.264 |         1421 |
|              0.5-1.0 |      0.07183 |            0 |            0 |       0.7424 |       0.2039 |         1576 |                                      |              0.5-1.0 |      0.07183 |            0 |            0 |       0.7424 |       0.2039 |         1576 |
|              1.0-1.5 |      0.05549 |            0 |            0 |       0.7199 |        0.111 |         1656 |                                      |              1.0-1.5 |      0.05549 |            0 |            0 |       0.7199 |        0.111 |         1656 |
|              1.5-2.0 |      0.07119 |            0 |            0 |        0.337 |       0.1218 |         2473 |                                      |              1.5-2.0 |      0.07119 |            0 |            0 |        0.337 |       0.1218 |         2473 |
|              2.0-2.5 |       0.1571 |            0 |            0 |       0.4986 |       0.2085 |         2543 |                                      |              2.0-2.5 |       0.1571 |            0 |            0 |       0.4986 |       0.2085 |         2543 |
|              2.5-3.0 |       0.2194 |            0 |            0 |            0 |       0.2194 |         2229 |                                      |              2.5-3.0 |       0.2194 |            0 |            0 |            0 |       0.2194 |         2229 |
|              3.0-3.5 |       0.3203 |            0 |            0 |            0 |       0.3203 |         1943 |                                      |              3.0-3.5 |       0.3203 |            0 |            0 |            0 |       0.3203 |         1943 |
|              3.5-4.0 |       0.6667 |            0 |            0 |            0 |       0.6667 |         2078 |                                      |              3.5-4.0 |       0.6667 |            0 |            0 |            0 |       0.6667 |         2078 |
|----------------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|                                      |----------------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|--------------|
Edited by Tomasz Bold

Merge request reports
