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Externals Update, main branch (2023.10.25.)

Updated all projects to atlasexternals-2.1.1. The (for this project relevant) changes wrt. atlasexternals-2.1.0 are (atlasexternals@2.1.0...2.1.1):

  • Patched VecGeom to handle arguments in the $CXX environment variable correctly (needed for ATLINFR-5113);
  • Patched yampl to handle arguments in the $CXX environment variable correctly (needed for ATLINFR-5113);
  • Explicitly disabled the use of ZSTD in the build of Gdb (fixing ATLINFR-5121);
  • Patched GeoModel to use the $CXXFLAGS environment variable correctly (needed for ATEAM-905).

Since a number of patches were introduced, let's be safe, and do a full test on this. Though I believe it should be safe for the RC to merge this without a cleanup of the CI nodes.

Merge request reports
