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Update photon vertex decoration in EGAM10 and HIGG1 (ATEAM-939)

Thomas Strebler requested to merge tstreble/athena:PhotonPointingDeco into main

Following up on the conflict of decorations discussed in, this MR addresses the error

DiphotonVertexK...  ERROR SG::ExcStoreLocked: Attempted to modify auxiliary data in a locked store: `::zvertex' (2615)

The problematic variable is computed in the PhotonPointingTool used so far both in the PhotonSelectionWrapper used in EGAM10 and PhotonVertexSelectionTool used in HIGG1. The HIGG1 config is updated to use the new PhotonVertexSelectionWrapperKernelCfg, shared with EGAM10. As a consequence, the use of the PhotonPointingTool can be removed from the PhotonVertexSelectionTool, since the relevant decorations are computed in the wrapper.

Solves ATEAM-939 as no conflict is observed with decorations in after this

Edited by Thomas Strebler

Merge request reports
