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NswCommonDecode: trigger decoder test app will now skip non-nsw fragments and keep decoding properly(not affecting online/offline)

Rongkun Wang requested to merge bugfix/nswcommondecode/test-only-nsw into main

the NswCommonDecode has a few code in src/test with main functions that is designed to be ran standalone.

They are supposed to run on raw data from ATLAS but it will attempt to decode non-NSW ROBFragment, causing an error.

This MR will make it skips over non-NSW fragments and does the decoding properly, without the need to pre-filter non-NSW fragment using some other code.

This does not affect online or offline decoding so shouldn't break frozen tier0.

@jojungge @pscholer @rosati @iodice @sfrances @ozormpa

Edited by Rongkun Wang

Merge request reports
