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Add postfix to selectEM photon decoration

Thomas Strebler requested to merge tstreble-main-patch-3a28 into main

Add postfix to selectEM photon decoration to allow for both loose and tight working points to be configured simultaneously. Otherwise conflicts with

SelectionNameSvc                                    ERROR /build/atnight/localbuilds/nightlies/AthAnalysis/main/athena/PhysicsAnalysis/Algorithms/SelectionHelpers/Root/SelectionNameSvc.cxx:55 (StatusCode CP::SelectionNameSvc::addAcceptInfo(const std::string&, const std::string&, const asg::AcceptInfo&)): object AnalysisPhotons_STEP3_%SYS% already has a selection named selectEM

Similar to what is already used for isolation

alg.selectionDecoration = 'isolated' + postfix + ',as_bits'

Merge request reports
