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MuonStationGeoHelpers - Simplify coordinate systems & test

Johannes Junggeburth requested to merge jojungge/athena:TgcStripIdentity into main
  • Synchronize the MuonChamber coordinate system with the one used in the Acts::Volume:
local axis Description
x Parallel with the tube wires / chamber edge (Distinguish long & short width)
y In chamer plane orthogonal to tube wires - increasing tube number --> negative y
z Points to the cavern walls
  • Pull the TransformCache into the MuonChamber --> StationCenter cache has been obsoleted
  • Introduce highVolt position into the MdtReadoutElement
  • Introduce leftStripEdge & rightStripEdge position into the RpcReadoutElement
  • Add generic readoutElement getter to the MuonDetectorManager
  • Build chambers from Tgc detectors --> Thus far same granularity as the corresponding readout elements. Need to investigate whether the Tgc chambers can be absorbed into the close-by Mdt middle stations

Tagging: @maharris, @damperia, @goblirsc

Edited by Johannes Junggeburth

Merge request reports
