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Adapt muon AlignmentErrorTool for NSW hits

The AlignmentErrorTool contains some logic to convert athena identifiers into alignable chamber string IDs as used in the muon alignment, and in particular in the alignment error CLOB read from the CondDB and used to configure the AlignmentErrorTool.

This MR updates this logic for the run 3 and for the MM and sTGC identifiers:

  • In the AlignmentErrorTool code itself, the handling of the hit IDs into alignable chamber string IDs is updated, along with some overall cleanup of the code
  • And additional flag "has_nsw_hits" is added to the alignment error CLOB, to activate the error computation for NSW hits. This is done for backward compatibility: when flag is not present, the NSW hits are not considered, as was the case in the past.
  • Support for the flag "has_nsw_hits" is added in MuonAlignmentErrorDbAlg and MuonAlignmentErrorData. Some overall cleanup of these classes is also performed.
  • An AlignmentErrorTestAlg is added, along with its CA configuration, that dumps the result of the AlignmentErrorTool for the debugging.

I would say that probably @jojungge @stavrop and @kluit may want to check this MR.

Addresses ATLASRECTS-7818

Edited by Patrick Scholer

Merge request reports
