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Modifications needed for large-R DNN calibration usage

This MR enables the usage of the new large-R DNN calibration for UFO jets (soon to be a recommendation) by

  • adding the necessary variables to the smart slimming list and scheduling them in the reconstruction
  • avoiding FPEs in the code when running the calibration in derivations
  • calculates ratios such as C2, Tau21, ... needed when running on derivations as those variables are not stored (thanks a lot to Guillaume for the implementation!)

In addition, the MR:

  • removes large-R trimmed jets from JETM1 and JETM4 (not the recommended jet collection anymore)
  • sets the jet collection correctly for the JvtSelectionTool and JvtEfficiencyTool. At the moment warnings appear when running derivations.
  • adds small-R UFO jets to JETM3 and the corresponding smart slimming list (will be recommendations in the near future as well)

There are two other things that still require fixing but undrafting now as the MR is already quite big and smaller MRs are encouraged.

Tagging @mswiatlo @bhodkins

Edited by Chris Malena Delitzsch

Merge request reports