Adding DAOD_NCB1 for cosmic ray studies in NCB group
As in the title, this MR is to add the new format to run on AOD from cosmic ray runs. This is needed for the analysis we are starting in the NCB group. The discussion is in
A few points:
- This format is currently meant to be used to process only cosmic ray runs. It will not run on collisions!
- There is no selection applied since we want to get an unbiased sample to play with and build a selection to define a "good" cosmic muon for the analysis purposes.
- The current size is 5kb/evt, and we will need to process ~2.5B of events, given a total disk size of ~12 TB.
- I have added the ART running on 2k events from a cosmic ray run taken last summer and processed at T0. The file is uploaded in the usual folder in cvmfs.
Edited by Cristiano Alpigiani