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new LCG layer LCG_104c_ATLAS_3

Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska requested to merge ewelina/athena:master-lcg104c into main

A change to new LCG layer requested and discussed in Contains: Pythia308, installation of MCFM and also a re-installation of Sherpa 2.2.14p1 (+ MPI-enabled Sherpa) with the additional —enable-mcfm flag in both cases . GRPC: done Madgraph5amc 3.5.2 with patches reviewed and updated by zmarshal apfel 3.1.0 with new CMake build system. yoda-1.9.9 + rivet-3.1.9 @elmsheus @nstyles @jchapman @jcatmore

Edited by Ewelina Maria Lobodzinska

Merge request reports
