ElectronEfficiencyCorrection : Look for the base name ATLFAST (no 2 or 3)
ElectronEfficiencyCorrection : Look for the base name ATLFAST (no 2 or 3)
ping @tstreble @kristin @ludovica @psommer @fnechans
In theory if the "recommendations" file does not have AtlFast named hist one gets an error. As internally the Ttool
if I understand will throw an error if it can not find AtlFast named histos.
Anyhow the assumption is that for a single campaign, with a certain recommendation file,
we will have either no "fast" (not supported). Or one flavour or the fast (not 2 "fast").
Aka there is kind a preferred "fast" produced by ATLAS
Now the idea some time ago was to use the ``Property`. Aka in an ideal world we drop the "auto config" from inside C++ and set the property from python
see https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/AtlasComputing/InFileMetadataToMT#IOVMetaData
Needs to determine simulation flavour. This can also be done either by setting configuration parameters, or by reading in-file metadata.
Looks like in all python scripts in Athena master the tool is explicitly configured to not rely on metadata reading. Perhaps its dependency on metadata can be dropped?
Emphasis mine.
Tbh I would not mind dropping the full metadata dependency from C++ here .... as suggested back then.