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InDetTrackPerfMon package: Add basic Selection tools

Marco Aparo requested to merge maparo/athena:maparo-main-IDTPM-v1.1 into main

Adding to the IDTPM package (see the basic tools necessary for RoI and Track selection. Specifically:

  • IDTPM.RoiSelectionTool: Tool to retrieve and select list of RoIs to process in the trigger analysis. It relies on the TrigDecisionTool.
  • IDTPM.TrackRoiSelectionTool: Tool to select tracks and truth particles within a given RoI. The selection of trigger tracks relies on the TrigDecisionTool, whereas for offline tracks and truth particles is relate to the geometric properties of the RoI and the selected track/truth particle.
  • IDTPM.TrackQualitySelectionTool: Wrapper tool for the quality-based selection of tracks and truth particles in this package. This allows to obtain arrays of already-selected tracks/truth particles with a single call of this tool in the main code (InDetTrackPerfMonTool.cxx). The details about which type of selection to apply and to which collections are handled entirely at configuration-level. The implementation of the track and truth selection (sub-)tools is left to future merge requests. All the Track selections tools in this package share the same tool interface.

Merge request reports
