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TrigPrescalesAlg: Add option for prescale based on trigger formula

Goal is to provide way to get right prescale weight for combination of triggers with the TrigPrescalesAlg using existing functionality of the PRW tool.

The trigger option in the prw tool can be a formula (trigA||trigB): but current implementation of the alg is not intended for this use and would result in decoration: m_prescaleDecoration+triger_formula which would not work because of ||, spaces and such.

This MR would add option so instead of passing list of triggers one can pass them as trigFormula and the decoration would be only m_prescaleDecoration. This change does not affect existing functionality, unless one specifies triggersFormula the tool behaves as it did before.

Taking advantage of existing implementation so the execute part does not change, only the init.

Tagging @tadej as author of the alg

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