Low-Level Jet (LLJ1) new derivation format
The MR defines a new derivation format to store additional jet information, as UFO jets constituents. The format has been designed starting from DAOD PHYS and then more information are added. Furthermore, since this is motivated for analysis in specific phase spaces with high-pT topologies and large-R jets reconstruction an event skimming is added to reduce the size; mainly, (jet) trigger and loose kinematics (>=1 150 GeV pT jet) skimmings are applied.
A summary of the definition has been discussed here: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1345677/#19-new-format-request-hdbs-cal https://indico.cern.ch/event/1367762/contributions/5753039/attachments/2780424/4846019/DAODFormat_requestFollowUp.pdf
Antonio (obo analysis team)
tagging relevant people: @fcirotto @dduda @emmat @calpigia @ekourlit @gwatts