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ATR-28838 Remaining MET chains duplication clean up - HLT / ATR-28563 A Phase I L1Topo LLP Trigger

Zhongyukun Xu requested to merge zhongyuk/athena:ATR-28838 into 24.0


move remaining HLT MET chains to phase 1 L1 and change the threshold

ATR-28563 Multi-BC L1Topo

    ChainProp(name='HLT_noalg_L1LLPDPHI-jXE27-jJ27', l1SeedThresholds=['FSNOSEED'], groups=SingleJetGroup+DevGroup),
    ChainProp(name='HLT_j20_calratio_roiftf_preselj20emf24_L1LLPDPHI-jXE27-jJ27', l1SeedThresholds=['FSNOSEED'], groups=SingleJetGroup+DevGroup),

Added to physics

Edited by Zhongyukun Xu

Merge request reports