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Update Tile masked modules database file for Run3

Fabrice Balli requested to merge fballi/athena:main_DeadTileModulesRun3 into main


I have modified the Tile Correction Tool database file for Run3, according to Helena's feedback :

Partition  Module   RunStart   RunEnd   Name
0          32       450000     450001	LBA33 #pp collisions
3          29       450000     450001   EBC30 #pp collisions
0          32       465000     465001	LBA33 #low-mu run
0          32       470000     470001	LBA33 #HI collisions
3          29       470000     470001   EBC30 #HI collisions
1          00       470000     470001   LBC01 #HI collisions
1          52       470000     470001   LBC53 #HI collisions

Still, second column in line

3    30      455929     463427    EBC30

should be 29

Tagging @shelena , @mmlynari , @camacho and @solodkov , and also @martindl who did the last update

Edited by Fabrice Balli

Merge request reports
