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Monitoring of alternative L1 eTAU simulation

Jean Yves Beaucamp requested to merge jbeaucam/athena:24.0-TTM-update into 24.0

Added option to monitor alternative eTAU simulation, as requested by L1Calo. This is of course disabled by default, only to be enabled when the simulation is also available. We also added handling of HLT streamers on TrigTauInfo, for additional L1 items.

To test it on DAOD_L1CALO1 files, run: --threads 12 --dqOffByDefault --inputFiles /afs/ --preExec 'from TrigTauMonitoring.TrigTauMonitoringConfig import TrigTauMonAlgBuilder; TrigTauMonAlgBuilder.do_single_tau=False; TrigTauMonAlgBuilder.do_ditau=False; TrigTauMonAlgBuilder.do_tag_and_probe=False; TrigTauMonAlgBuilder.do_truth=False; TrigTauMonAlgBuilder.do_alternative_eTAU_monitoring=True' DQ.Steering.doHLTMon=True DQ.Steering.HLT.doBjet=False DQ.Steering.HLT.doBphys=False DQ.Steering.HLT.doCalo=False DQ.Steering.HLT.doEgamma=False DQ.Steering.HLT.doJet=False DQ.Steering.HLT.doMET=False DQ.Steering.HLT.doMinBias=False DQ.Steering.HLT.doMuon=False DQ.Steering.HLT.doInDet=False

The HLT Tau containers are not available in the DAOD. Neither are some of the aux containers of the offline Taus, producing crashes as seen by Mansoora. Therefore, for these standalone tests, they need to be disabled.

Tagging @mashamim, @thompson, @will.

Merge request reports
