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Updating pixel calibration - Adding recovery step

Sergi Rodriguez Bosca requested to merge serodrig/athena:recoveryCalib into 24.0

This MR is meant to update the pixel calibration in order to include the recovery step. Now it is all fully functional and automatised ( the DB upload must be done by hand)

The python module runs all the steps one after the other:

  • Runs the calibration fittings
  • Merges the output
  • Download the last IOV from the DB
  • Recovers empty modules ( full frontEnd copy or single values)
  • Updated the last DB calibration values with the new calibration

The output is called final_calibration_candidate.txt it is not in a json file format, but it can be done if needed.

Additionally it creates log files for the running processes log_[LAYER] and the calibration files per layer calibration_[LAYER].txt

I have also removed the old unused code in order to clean the git repository in a separate commit (in case we need to revert).

Merge request reports
