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Revise McEventCollectionFilter to be id based (ATLASSIM-6999)

Common logic used for the creation of the updated HepMcParticleLinkinstances is moved to a new updatedLink(...) method in the HitsTruthRelinkBase base class. This has to be overriden for the TRT, but it makes the code look cleaner.

Added a new HitsTruthRelinkBase::getReferenceId(...) method to return the id value of the new GenParticle to be linked to. The HitsTruthRelinkBase::getReferenceBarcode(...) method will be removed in a future merge request.

The logic in the new updatedLink(...) methods is updated to be based on GenParticle::id() rather than barcodes, with the corner case that we have to leave one check on the barcode value from the old HepMcParticleLink in place to cope with HITS files read in using barcode-based persistent EDMs. This will be removed in the future.


Merge request reports