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Optimization of the Trigger Menu generation: move CA generation after the alignment (ATR-29039)

Francesca Pastore requested to merge CAoptim_step1 into 24.0

Within the optimization of the menu generation, this MR moves the ability to generate the CAs after the menu alignment, so during the createDataFlow(). This requires few changes

  1. When creating a ChainStep, the sequence generators are stored in self.sequenceFunctions, passed via functools.partial
  2. the ChainStep has self.create() function to create the CAs when needed, and store them in the self.sequences
  3. all loops on self.sequences must be replaced by self.sequenceFucntions
  4. in the alignment, use isEmptySequenceCfg to recognise an empty sequence
  5. Changes in the emulation tests to use functools.partial
  6. Changes in the jet and MET signatures code to handle functools.partial
  7. the NoAlg chains that run PEBInfoWriter appears with one step during the sequence generation, so this requires a change in isNoAlg() function

Configuration comparison:

Run with arguments: --diff HLTJobOptions.json ../test_orig/HLTJobOptions.json Step 1: reference file #components: 79030 Step 2: file to check #components: 79030 Legend: Differences in components Settings in 1st file Settings in 2nd file Component PerfMonMTSvc may differ wallTimeOffset = 1711385097450.0 vs 1711129147120.0 << but all are suppressed by renaming/known differences/...

Edited by Francesca Pastore

Merge request reports
