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Adding IDPVM plot for measurements associated to truth particle

Self-explanatory title. The new plot is added in the already existing folder collecting the truth track parameters. This can only be filled if the truth information on the clusters is propagated to the AOD, i.e. it requires the two following flags being set as preExec of

--preExec 'RAWtoALL:ConfigFlags.Tracking.writeExtendedSi_PRDInfo=True;ConfigFlags.Reco.PostProcessing.GeantTruthThinning=False'

Then IDPVM can run as usual on the output file: --outputFile=IDPVM.root --filesInput=AOD.pool.root

For the record, I have tested this mechanism with the following command: \
--maxEvents=10 \
--inputRDOFile=user.ncalace.mc21_14TeV.601229.PhPy8EG_A14_ttbar_hdamp258p75_SingleLep.e8481_s4149_r14697_Jan30_EXT0/* \
--outputAODFile=AOD.pool.root \
--CA 'all:True' \
--conditionsTag 'all:OFLCOND-MC15c-SDR-14-05' \
--geometryVersion 'all:ATLAS-P2-RUN4-03-00-00' \
--multithreaded 'True' \
--postInclude 'all:PyJobTransforms.UseFrontier' \
--preExec 'RAWtoALL:ConfigFlags.Tracking.writeExtendedSi_PRDInfo=True; ConfigFlags.Reco.PostProcessing.GeantTruthThinning=False' \
--preInclude 'all:Campaigns.PhaseIINoPileUp,InDetConfig.ConfigurationHelpers.OnlyTrackingPreInclude' \
--steering 'doRAWtoALL'

FYI: @goetz @avallier

Merge request reports
