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Update MuonSelectionTool

Stylianos Angelidakis requested to merge nkua-atlas/athena:dev_stelios into main

This MR addresses ATLASMCP-211 and does some very subtle consolidation.
Removed "ForceGeometry" flag since it's unnecessary (if we set a geometry, that's it; no need to confirm with "ForceGeometry").
The possibility to enable Run2 WPs in Run3 still exists by specifying Run2 geometry and setting the "ExpertDevelopMode" flag.

Tagging: @nicolaid @yoyamagu @stsigari @kenelson @mvanadia @goblirsc

Update#1: Added a sanity check (just to issue a warning) in case someone mis-configures the geometry. Until now mis-configuration was bypassed just so that we can use Run2 WPs on Run3, but it shouldn't happen unintentionally (as at where the CI crashes).

Update#2: Fix the point were MuonSelectionTool is mis-configured.

Edited by Stylianos Angelidakis

Merge request reports