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Draft: DerivationFrameworkJetEtMiss: Updating harcoded Run3 jet trigger list for JETM1 and JETM6 (ATLJETMET-1717)

Claire Antel requested to merge cantel/athena:24.0_update_jetm1_triglist into 24.0


Since the trigger API currently does not return a complete list of jet trigger chains for Run 3 (see for instance ATLJETMET-1717), we have been forced to hardcode an additional list of jet triggers to append to the trigger skimming list. This modification updates this list as it has grown significantly out of date since 2022.

The new trigger list is based on all jet trigger chains in (Apr 2024) Physics_pp_run3_v1 + MC_pp_run3_v1 menus but vetoeing chains containing bgn2, bgn1, L1gXE, boffperf, LArPEBHLT, L1TAU.

Since the list is quite long and was hardcoded in two places (it would take too much work to handpick chains from this list beyond these basic vetoes), its definition has been moved to Both JETM1 and JETM6 have been updated.




No jet trigger chains were removed with respect to before change, except for some nonsense (non-existent in menu ever) ones. New jet chains are added, notably, Phase-I L1 seeded calibration chains, Phase-I L1 seeded primary multijet chains, all primary HT chains and HLT_j0_perf_pf_ftf_L1RD0_FILLED (previously not added because of typo).

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