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Adding the dedicated FS pT efficency monitoring histograms for di-muon monitoring chain to the DQ webdisplay for pp collisions

Patrick Dougan requested to merge pdougan/athena:muonMonHist_Update into 24.0

Adding the dedicated FS pT efficency monitoring histograms for di-muon monitoring chain to the DQ webdisplay for pp collisions. A test display on 2023 reprocessed EB data can be found here; All the validation tests outlined here ( are passed by this build of the webdisplay. The specific histograms have the naming convention EffEFSAFS_muPt and EffEFCBFS_muPt. You can see them here for wrt Offline here; and wrt to Upstream here; where we expect them to generally have overall efficiencies near 1 as they bypass the L1 inefficiencies. The upstream also appear in the shifter folder. These histograms provide dedicated monitoring for muons reconstructed specifically with the FS, so that the EffEFSA and EffEFCB are always just RoI mode muons.

Merge request reports
