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Add trigger decision content to DESDM_ALLCELLS

Guillaume Unal requested to merge gunal/athena:trigdec-desdmAllCells into 24.0

Adding Trigger decision information in DESDM_ALLCELLS format (produced on request for streams like ZeroBias or on DRAW_EGZ datasets). Since ZeroBias can have a mixture of different triggers, this would be useful to select cleanly genuine ZeroBias triggers for these dedicated studies.

This was checked running --inputBSFile "data24_13p6TeV.00473095.physics_ZeroBias.merge.RAW/data24_13p6TeV.00473095.physics_ZeroBias.merge.RAW._lb0556._SFO-ALL._0001.1" --outputDESDM_ALLCELLSFile "DESDM_AllCells-test.pool.root" --conditionsTag "all:CONDBR2-BLKPA-2024-01" --geometryVersion "all:ATLAS-R3S-2021-03-02-00" --maxEvents 100 and checking that the trigger decision tool works on the output file (out of 100 events, 93 passed HLT_noalg_L1ZeroBias and 7 L1RD1_EMPTY)

This MR only changes (adding information, does not modify existing information) the content of DESDM_ALLCELLS.

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