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Passing to the muon sagitta correction tool the flag doDirectCBCalib

Luca Martinelli requested to merge lucam/athena:SagittaToolFix into main

Bug fix. Passing to the muon sagitta correction tool the flag doDirectCBCalib and change the pT according to the flag selected The "doDirectCBCalib" is configured in the MuonCalibTool and now this option is passed, at the same time, to the MuonCalibIntSagittaTool (with this MR) and to the MuonCalibIntScaleAndSmearingTool. If true, the muon pT is corrected according to the sagitta bias correction of the CB tracks, otherwise with the sagitta bias correction of the statistical combination of the ID and MS tracks.

Edited by Luca Martinelli

Merge request reports
