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Set ITkRotCreatorCfg as a private tool instead of public to avoid inconsistencies with multiple tracking passes configuration

Carlo Varni requested to merge cvarni/athena:ProduceSegments into main

When trying to run an Athena reconstruction job and saving seeds for both the main and conversion pass (i.d. by setting flags.Tracking.doStoreTrackSeeds=True;flags.Tracking.ITkConversionPass.storeTrackSeeds=True; in the preExec) I run into problems, with the job complaining about conflicting settings for the SplitClusterAmbiguityMap property.

It turns out this is related to the fact that ITkSeedToTrackConversionTool sets the ITkRotCreator as a public tool, but unfortunately the ITkRotCreator will then set the ITkPixelClusterOnTrackTool assigning to it the SplitClusterAmbiguityMap property (which name changes according to the tracking pass).

This is a quick fix: set different ITkRotCreator with different names according to the tracking pass. @tstreble @ncalace do you have suggestions?

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